remove gang tattoos
Volunteer doctors outline the shapes of gang tattoos on the skin of former gang members with a green laser, working to erase the tattoos and help the ex. Homeboy industries helps former gang members with everything from education to employment. but their most popular service is tattoo removal.. Mission statement the youth removal project is a community outreach program to help young people remove visible gang tattoos that can project negative stereotypes and.
Tattoo removal 1. out of the darkness and into the light: removing gang related and offensive tattoos . a mixed methods study . by . amy deas . a social work 298. ... fresh start refers clients to remove tattoos gang and prison tattoos off of former gang members for of the fresh start tattoo removal. Gangs are prevalent in parts of north county, which has more than 2,200 gang members, according to 2004 figures from the san diego regional gang task force..