Test your knowledge with amazing and interesting facts, trivia, quizzes, and brain teaser games on mentalfloss.com.. What’s the best tattoo lotion, ointment and cream you can get? after inking your tattoo, certain types of creams and disinfectants can delay its healing.. Regret getting that tattoo in your youth? find out everything you need to know about laser tattoo removal..
Our answer to, what is this bump on my piercing? there are three basic types of "bumps" that may form near or on a piercing. different things cause follicular cysts, keloids, and abscesses.. Laser tattoo removal can cause a stinging sensation but most people do not experience high level of discomfort during the treatment. local anaesthetic cream can be used and/or pain relief, such as paracetamol.. Tattoo removal. why do i feel this is an appropriate topic for a bodybuilding forum?well, many bodybuilders do have tattoos, and tattoos can be distracting for judges trying to see a builder's physique..