Tattoo excision is a common treatment - especially after failed laser treatment. in most cases, you will have to have serial excision. what this means is that as much of the tattoo is excised that will allow minimal tension on the closure.. A guide to tattoo excision and laser removal procedures. updated on february 8, 2016. mburton23. more. before excision and after ten laser treatments on right arm. i have to reiterate that tattoo excision is radical and it should be the last resort if you really just want you tattoos to be gone. good luck and take care.. Tattoo removal: excision; you want a tattoo excision provider who understands the complexities of how skin moves and how a scar will look after it heals. our tattoo excision providers, dr. wyatt to and jessie mallalieu, before* 2 months after 1st excision* 1 week after 2nd & final excision* details..
The dermatologic surgeon. tattoo surgical removal surgical excision tattoo removal before and after surgical excision tattoo removal before and after. category. Surgical tattoo removal is a cosmetic surgery approach that involves excision, or cutting out tissue, from the skin affected by the tattoo. for smaller tattoos, the affected skin area can be removed surgically and the remaining skin is closed using plastic surgery techniques.. Surgical excision – also called surgical removal – is a more invasive option for tattoo removal. some small tattoos might be good candidates for surgical removal, while others are considered too large to remove with a scalpel..